Saturday, December 3, 2011

This is for Crutchie

So I know this is long overdue, but I promised I would do it so here it is. This year for Halloween the Turville family was very excited about some news we heard from NYC. The show the Newsies is headed to Broadway sometime in the spring (March or April). As it is the #1 show around here, we are frequently breaking into song, and Adam playing Jack Kelley more days than not, we decided we had to be the NEWSIES! So here it is.
                        Here's the crew including Boots, Mush, Crutchie, Jack Kelley, Spot, Les and Davey

End Scene

This was supposed to be a pic but it's a video, but I had to include it so it showed the parentals, chiefly Mr. Weisel (papa T)

Jack Kelley and his horse.

Happy Halloween until next year!


  1. Oh my goodness Al, this is hilarious! You guys seriously are the best. This is so cute, and classic Turville's! Love it. Thanks for posting.

  2. NO!!!!! This is TOO GOOD!!!!!! I looooove Jack Kelley jumping on the horse at the end and can't help but hear slash see the SAnta Fe solo breakdown run through my head! Ha!!! Just when I thought I couldn't love the Turville's any more... :)
